Good morning Treasure Seekers! Today’s Jewel of the Day is the sapphire.  This beautiful blue gem reminds me of the ocean and the many different functions of water. Water is used for many things as we all know.

It’s used to quench your thirst, cleanse your body, and it can remind you to keep on keeping on when you’re feeling down. How you ask? Take this glass of water for instance shown in the picture in this post. It just looks like a regular glass of water to most, however, this particular glass of water serves as a reminder to never look at your glass as being half empty, but half full.

In other words, no matter what you’re going through in life, be grateful for what you have instead of worrying about what you don’t have because at the end of the day, worrying about the situation doesn’t solve it. Now if you act on whatever it is and work towards finding a solution, you’ll discover that that glass of water will begin to look fuller and fuller by and by.