Good morning, Treasure Seekers. Today’s what of the day is the gray hair. It can be friend and foe at the same time. A thorn in your side as well as the beautiful long-stemmed rose that the thorn has come off of. It can lie on you and tell the truth simultaneously when it comes to your age because some folks start to gray early in life, while others are further along in age when they start to gray.

Sometimes the gray hair is like that unwanted visitor that pops up at your house when you least expect it because it sprouts out in the most inopportune and unexpected places. It’s like a double-edged sword in some cases because you’re grateful to have lived long enough to see the gray hairs grow, but in other cases you wished that they hadn’t grown since it’s a clear sign that you’re getting older. Some folks can’t live with them, so they cover them with dye, while others welcome them with open arms; no dye needed.

Me personally, I have them on my wish list. I wish they’d focus on someone else and bypass me altogether. I don’t mind growing old gracefully, but these gray hairs have waged war with the black hairs that have been my constant companion all my life and we (Team Black Hairs and I) aren’t going down without a fight. Lol!

In other words, Jet Black dye and I will be saying hello to each other soon and very soon. On a serious note, I just thank God that I’m still breathing to see the gray hairs grow because it definitely beats the alternative. Does the color of my hair define who I am as a person? Of course not. It’s just that my gray hairs and I have issues sometimes and I’d much rather avoid them every chance I get. So, gray hairs do as you will but just know that I’ll be watching you and Jet Black and I will act accordingly when you get out of hand. Lol! Have a blessed one everybody.

**Song of the post-I Am Not My Hair By: India Arie featuring Akon**