The What of the Day

Hey there Treasure Seekers. Happy Halloween. Today’s what of the day is insecurity. I immediately thought of this topic when I crossed paths with a young lady who’d walked into a convenience store that I was in.

Her man was at the cash register paying for the items that he wanted to purchase when she walked in, and she approached him. She stood beside him for a moment, and the next thing I knew she reached over and plastered herself to the side of his body like a piece of Velcro. It was blatantly obvious that she was marking her territory and I wondered why she felt the need to do that. I hadn’t noticed anyone else looking at him in any way that would’ve warranted what she did, however, she may have saw someone do something that I didn’t. I know that I probably shouldn’t have, but I chuckled at the sight she made with that he’s mine expression on her face while she held on to him as if he was going to disappear into thin air at any second.

They made small talk while he paid for the items, and he asked her did he get everything to which she said yes before they left the store. Now I’m all for public displays of affection because I love to see folks in love, but when the p.d.a. makes you look desperate and thirsty instead of the confident queen that you are, you may need to reevaluate some things to figure out why you feel the need to do this and work on that aspect of who you are so that you don’t have to do that anymore. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with letting the world know that you’re in a relationship and who that person is that you’re in the relationship with, but the way you do it will sometimes tell your business about the state of your relationship with your mate before you even open your mouth. And in the case of the young lady clinging to her man for dear life at the cash register in the convenience store of all places, it appeared as if their relationship may not have been as solid as it should have been.

**Song of the post- Solid By: Ashford & Simpson**